Tattoo Transformation of Ethan “ModBoy” Bramble: Looking Back and Feeling Sorry

Everybody has regrets in life and wishes they could go back and redo some of their choices.

Ethan “ModBoy” Bramble, an Australian body enthusiast with over 200 tattoos covering his whole body, openly displays his regrets.

Although getting a tattoo has always been a means for people to express themselves, Ethan went above and beyond. At the tender age of eleven, he began by expanding his ears. Later, he underwent more drastic operations including tongue splitting and even had his belly button removed.

But what really steals the stage are his tattoos. To cover himself with ink, Ethan has spent an astounding $60,000 AUD (about $39,000 USD). Though he was excited at first, he now acknowledges that he has some regrets.

Ethan fearlessly shared his ambition to be seen differently in an interview with LadBibleTV’s No Filter series. When it comes to transporting his small daughter to school, in particular, he is concerned about the criticism he could encounter while going about his daily business.

Ethan doesn’t want his daughter to have to cope with the hardships that come with having tattoos that hide up his face at such a young age. “I wish that I had not gone as crazy as I did on my face,” he said, very honestly.

Ethan took the courageous choice to have painful laser surgical treatments to erase some of his tattoos in an attempt to improve his reputation and build a brighter future for himself and his daughter. He has had the surgery several times in the last year, so it hasn’t been an easy trip, but he is still committed to progressively clearing his face over the following two years.

Ethan’s ultimate objective is to look different and have a blank canvas. He wants to minimize the effect of his facial tattoos even though he is happy with the way he looks right now. He thinks that going on this adventure will make him feel less anxious.

What are your impressions about Ethan’s change? Post your thoughts in the comments section below!

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